Alien: Isolation sequel in early development, with original director returning

Can you believe Alien: Isolation is now 10?! Doesn’t time fly when you are cowering for your life underneath a table, as a hulking great big Xenomorph stalks you around a space station. Ahh, good times.
And, if you too are feeling a tad misty-eyed remembering all the terror and resulting screams, wishing you could have another slice of Alien goodness to add to your video game plate, well, I have something to tell you that will be right up your street.
Today, Alien: Isolation director Al Hope teased some exciting news with the game’s community, as part of its 10th anniversary. That news? An Alien: Isolation sequel is in the works, and Hope will be back at the helm for the upcoming release. They are going to Ripley a new one, if you will.

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